Preparing to Proclaim: An Introduction to Evangelism

The Biggest Barrier to Overcome in Evangelism

You may be surprised, but after training over a thousand Christians from across the country, I believe the biggest obstacle to overcome for many faithful members is guilt.

Faithful members know about the great commission. Their pastors have talked about the importance of evangelism. They are familiar with the importance of inviting and talking to their friends and neighbors about Jesus. They love hearing about missionaries and missions, they pray for them, and they regularly support them with offerings, but quickly default from participating themselves. They have had minimal personal experience in verbally proclaiming the gospel to others and this brings them guilt.

I know this is true by the number of people who come up to me and confess their feelings of guilt about not doing evangelism and not sharing their faith with others.

Guilt has no place in evangelism!

Guilt does not motivate us to proclaim the gospel, because God is not going to love us less if we don’t participate – nor love us more if we do.

The gospel motivates us to proclaim the good news.

Have you every felt like you totally messed up when you have proclaimed the gospel in the past? Have you felt like a failure? Out of impatience or frustration, have you responded angrily to a stubborn neighbor or sibling?  When your adult child refuses to go to church with you, have you responded poorly because of embarrassment or guilt?  I have some wonderful news to share with you: You are forgiven!

Have you ever received a golden opportunity to share your faith with a friend, a co-worker in the office, or a friend on a hunting trip?  Did they ask you a question about Jesus? Did they ask about Christianity around a watercooler? Out of embarrassment, awkwardness, or fear, you chose to remain silent.  I have some wonderful news for us: We are forgiven!

So, if you are feeling guilty for not participating in evangelism or not sharing your faith with others, take that guilt to the cross and let the good news of what Jesus did for you there remind you that you are completely forgiven.

We have a clean slate in God’s eyes. We have been set free. Not only has Christ forgiven us, he has already forgotten our track record in evangelism. Believe it!

Then, let the good news of forgiveness motivate you to go out and share your faith with others with confidence.

Take Action: Answer the question for this topic, found on page 11 of the study guide.


  1. Duayne on August 9, 2020 at 8:50 am

    Bringing out the fact that guilt is always in the back of my mind here is important. When I first started going door to door in Utah with Truth in Love, it was hard for me to proclaim at the door that “I am 100% perfect”! It still gives me pause. I am really enjoying this study!!

    • Dave Malnes on August 13, 2020 at 11:03 am

      Thanks. The Truth that we are 100% forgiven in Christ — and not because of our works — is impossible for our human minds to grasp. Therefore, we trust that what Jesus is saying and promising is true. The Gospel invitation can be summed up in one word…. “Believe!”

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