Preparing to Proclaim: An Introduction to Evangelism

But what if I say something wrong?

What do you think?

Whenever I ask this question, most people will answer that their greatest fear of proclaiming the gospel is messing up or saying something wrong. The fear is so strong and real, that many faithful believers will refrain from personal evangelism.

1 Peter 3:15 tells us to be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks – and do so with gentleness and respect.

This means that when you:

  1. Proclaim the Word – a message of what Christ has done.
  2. AND, treat the person with love and respect.
  3. Then, it’s impossible to mess up.

Remember, a lost person is dead in sin. It’s impossible to make a dead person more dead than they already are. However, if you are not gentle or do not treat them with respect, they may be less likely to listen to what you have to say in the future.

The effectiveness of an evangelist is not based on how a person responds, but the power in the message. Each proclamation of the gospel is a victory.

You have done what God has asked you to do.

What is your role in proclaiming the gospel?

Let’s assign appropriate duties and responsibilities for evangelism. For each role below, select if it should be assigned to you or to God.

  • We learned about sophronismos in Lesson 2. Refresh your memory here.

Take Action: Record your answers to the questions above on page 9 of the study guide.


  1. Duayne on August 8, 2020 at 9:58 pm

    Great study! I really enjoyed it. It gives me a clearer perspective in my role of Evangelist

    • Dave Malnes on August 13, 2020 at 10:59 am

      Thank you. Appreciate your comment.

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