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Phoenix, AZ 02-2016

by Dave Malnes

Praise and Proclaim Ministries received the privilege of launching an outreach campaign in Peoria, Arizona on February 22-23.

Sponsored by the Board of Home Missions of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Milwaukee, WI, this outreach campaign gathered together mission leaders and pastors from California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Alaska. The intent was to introduce the approach and methodology of Praise and Proclaim Ministries, plus allow the mission leaders to personally experience the training by spending the day going door-to-door and sharing the gospel.


Cross of Glory Lutheran Church in Peoria served as hosts for the campaign. The congregation was recently selected by Board of Home Missions to launch another worship site in the community of Vistancia. This fast-growing area became the target for our outreach campaign.


The Engage-Proclaim-Invite approach and methodology of Praise and Proclaim Ministries utilizes the mailing of postcards as a means to introduce the church to a targeted neighborhood. The 6″ x 10″ postcard is designed to capture the eye and the attention of the reader, plus include a short gospel message.


But there is another important reason!

It gives a reason for us to be at their door. After introducing ourselves and asking the person if they have seen our postcard in the mail, the campaign participants were trained on how to transition to proclaiming a short message of the gospel that centers on “Finding Freedom”.

We can say, “There is an answer to finding freedom. Jesus said, ‘..know the truth and the truth will set you free.’  (John 8:32) Forgiveness is the way to be free. It’s not just you forgiving others or you forgiving yourself. But it’s God’s forgiveness that sets you free from guilt, fear, and worry. Christ died for your broken past to give you a peaceful present and a promising future. Know Christ… and you will know what a difference he makes.”

The joy of going door-to-door is meeting wonderful people. We quickly recognize that God had already made an appointment when we rang the doorbell. In Vistancia, God allowed me to His messenger for Emily. When I rang the doorbell at her house, two little dogs barked crazily in the background. I could hear two young children yelling for their mother to come to the door. When I introduced myself and told her I was with Cross of Glory Lutheran Church and saw the “Finding Freedom” postcard in my hand, she immediately replied, “Our family desperately needs a church!” It was a divine appointment to share the gospel and connect her with the ministry team at Cross of Glory.

At the end of the day, a group of twenty men received the opportunity to share the gospel almost one hundred times and received a list of over a dozen families who expressed strong interest in learning more about the new church being planted in their neighborhood.

If you would like to learn more about the outreach campaigns that Praise and Proclaim Ministries conducts, please contact us at

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