Digital Outreach

With Michael and Brittany Babler

People connect, engage, and communicate digitally either through social media or the use of smartphones. Digital outreach can be the new form of friendship evangelism. It is a means to point people to hear a gospel message.


In this webinar, we are joined by special guests:

Michael Babler
Director of Digital Ministry
Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church in Franklin, WI

Brittany Babler
Social Media Specialist

We address these important questions:

  • Why is the most important aspect of digital outreach is knowing your audience. [6:34]
  • Why evangelism today can be considered 100% personal and 100% digital? [14:50]
  • What strategy do you recommend for content creation? [18:14]
  • How do you determine what call to actions to use and whether they are successful or not? [26:25]
  • What is the most important tip you can provide for a small to medium-sized church to help them get started in digital outreach?  [34:30]
  • What social media channels do you recommend for a church to get started in digital outreach?  [44:55]