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Positioning Our Discussion About Christ

Do you remember travel agencies? Since my mother loved to travel, we often paused to
look through the windows of a travel agency and marvel at the myriads of destinations
and adventures.

Travel agencies no longer exist. People book travel on their smart phones, explore
websites, or subscribe to travel blogs. In this digital world, travel agencies are being
redefined as adventure guides or niche BnB owners. They launched these businesses
because they love travel.

Lifestyle businesses have emerged and are growing.

How quickly did your church respond during COVID when government policy restricted
public gatherings? How much did your church scramble to provide virtual worship
services and Bible study? For many of us, technology was forced into our ministries.

The digital age is upon us and technology continues to evolve and be a part of our
society. With artificial intelligence on the cusp of entering our everyday life, how will
churches respond and adapt their ministry?

These questions do not need to be answered yet, but are there ways we can prepare to respond?  

I have a few suggestions.

  1. Establish non-negotiable frameworks for which future discussions can take place on these subjects. This includes preserving doctrine and upholding the biblical definition of life.
  2. Adopt a spirit of exploration and experimentation to employ digital methods to communicate the gospel that eases your church into the digital age.
  3. What is personal evangelism in a digital age? Is it similar or different to friendship evangelism? What about using the term lifestyle evangelism? Out of love for our Savior and the privilege to be his witnesses, we display his love in our actions to gain an audience, and boldly tell people what Christ has done for us. This approach goes beyond invitations, but equipping members to learn how to gain audiences and proclaim the gospel. A believer’s lifestyle is entirely based on their life in Christ and the spirit-filled desire to be his messengers.

Churches are not like travel agencies. Believers in Christ who love our Lord and adhere to the clear and concise teachings of the Bible will always seek to gather around the Word and sacraments. Starting today, we can help position our discussions so that we don’t have react urgently to new technology but proactively plan for it.

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