Biblical Neuroplasticity
The brain is one of the greatest examples of God’s hand and design in creation.
The science behind understanding the brain is fascinating. Within the context of faith, there is room to interject ongoing scientific discoveries to further our appreciation for God’s hand in this world. One discovery is the brain’s capacity to adapt, learn, and grow. This means that every time we learn, our brain seems to change. Likened to a piece of plastic that can be formed and re-formed, this is called neuroplasticity.
Mindfulness can change the brain. Science is revealing that meditation and exercise boosts neuroplasticity. It seems that the brain is able to re-wire itself, especially when practicing new skills or exposing ourself to new situations. Brain scans reveal that the amygdala — an almond-shaped structure important for emotional procession — actually grows or shrinks based on a person’s stress level. Mindfulness can reduce the size of the amygdala.
Within the context of faith, I suggest biblical neuroplasticity. It means not being conformed by the world but transformed by word and sacrament with the renewing of our mind. (Romans 12:2) This could be referred to as gospel-mindfulness. God — the Creator of our brain — has designed it to be receptive to adapt, learn, and grow. We are invited to prayerfully meditate and carefully study his Word. We can also exercise our faith with gospel activity. Evangelism usually means practicing new skills or exposing ourselves to new situations. This, scientifically speaking, invites the neuroplasticity of our brain. Spiritually, it is the work of the Holy Spirit
Our brain is designed to process what we bring to it. If we feed it with garbage, then it seems our amygdala grows and invites stress and anxiety. Gospel-mindfulness is transforming and strengthening our faith — and our brain becomes a beneficiary.
In this current world — with mental and physical health being re-prioritized — perhaps we ought not to take what God has designed for granted, but be careful stewards both physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
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