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12 Huge Promises God Gives Us That Help Deepen Our Trust

Evangelism is far more about trusting God’s promises than relying on our own abilities.

God gave promises to Abram and by faith he responded in obedience. God gives promises to believers and by faith we carry out God’s commission.

The Bible also tells us that God prepares his children for specific purposes because they are created in Christ Jesus to do good works.

Fulfilling what God desires for us to do requires that we trust his promises and assurances. This is how God worked through the life of Abraham and through us today.

There are many clusters of promises in the New Testament to help deepen the trust of believers, but here are twelve promises from Ephesians 1:3-14 that have been especially meaningful for me.

#1  God gives believers every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms (v. 3).
Why? Because believers – those who trust in him – are in Christ.

#2 God has already taken the initiative to provide salvation by choosing believers to receive him (v. 4). When did God do that? Before the creation of the world.

#3  Believers are already holy and without fault in God’s sight (v. 4).
How did God do that? Because God has chosen believers to be in Christ who is perfect in every way.

#4 God has already adopted believers into his family (v. 5).
Why? Because God wants to. God is God and this brings him great pleasure.

#5  God has freely given believers his glorious grace (v. 6).
Why? Because God loves his one and only Son who lives in believers.

#6  God has already purchased believers’ freedom from the slavery of sin (v. 7).
How did God do that? Christ being our substitute on the cross.

#7 All of a believer’s past, present, and future sins are forgiven (v. 7).
Why?  Because God is God and this is in accordance with the riches of his grace.

#8  God lavishes believers with all wisdom and understanding (v. 8).
Why?  Because God loves us even more than a doting father who lavishes gifts upon his children.

#9  God has revealed to believers the greatest mystery of the world – His plan of salvation (v. 9).
Why? God is God and this is according to his good pleasure and purpose.

#10 Believers were already chosen to be in Christ before they were even born (v. 11).
Why? This is God’s plan and purpose for a believer’s life. Believers – through their hope in him — bring him glory and praise.

#11  Believers are fully included and accepted by God (v. 13). 
Why? Believers have heard the truth of Christ and trust his promises.

#12 Believers have already been identified or sealed as God’s own child (v. 13). 
Why? 1) So that believers are guaranteed to receive his inheritance. 2) So that believers can praise and glorify him.

These are amazing promises!

Abram stepped out in faith to go to the land God promised him.

Believers step out in faith to carry out God’s commission.

Prompted by love for our Savior, we trust his promises in our daily lives and evangelism happens. Its not a requirement for heaven, nor an activity to earn God’s favor, but a spirit-filled response to God’s lavish grace.

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