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Inconvenienced for Truth

Truth tends to arrive at the most inconvenient times.

Hard questions in life often demand answers when difficult circumstances stand bleeding and broken before us. It is then we yearn for truth. Frustrated, fearful, even irritated, people will ask rhetorically, “What is truth?”

Jesus Christ came to this earth to proclaim that he is the way, the life, and… the Truth. He is the only hope for eternal life in heaven and the world hated him for it.

A Roman governor confronted this hate when the living Christ, the promised Messiah, stood before him battered and bleeding. For Pilate, Jesus Christ had arrived at a most inconvenient time.

His dilemma was not unlike our own. He desired peace, comfort, and safety for himself and for the nation he was governing. The claims of Christ and the accusations of the Jews were threatening his authority, his ability to control his normalcy in a time of uncertainty. The last thing Pilate wanted to do was to confront truth even when the Truth was standing right before him.

Frustrated, fearful, even irritated, Pilate asks rhetorically, “What is truth?” because he had no time for an answer.

Politically speaking, caving to the Pharisees was the right thing for Pilate to do. Culturally speaking, he had no other choice. Judicially speaking, he cowardly washed his hands from a fair judgment.

Excuses can occur when confronted with truth – even for Christians who are given opportunities to proclaim it.

Hearts are exposed during times of difficulty. Typically, in those times of stillness when grief or worry clutch a person’s thoughts and emotions while they ponder life, God, and eternity. Broken and battered, the Truth stands before them and some will respond, “What is truth? And who can I trust to share it?”

Christians are sometimes like Pilate.

We refrain from speaking the Truth to keep the peace.

We withhold the Truth out of expediency.

We wash our hands of opportunities God gives us to profess the Truth to a soul parched and receptive for the Living Water.

It is inconvenience that can stand in the way of building bridges of trust, receiving broken and battered souls, and lovingly, courageously, proclaiming the gospel message.

It is Christ, who fulfilled the law on our behalf, that lovingly prompts, graciously provides, and gently reminds us about the privilege to be his messenger.

We can pray,

Lord, I am weak, but in my weakness I am strong. Lord, I am weary, but in my weariness, I receive strength. Forgive me when I have failed you. Remind me, O Lord, that I am not a failure. Resting in you, trusting your promises, I am acceptable, redeemed, and perfect in your sight. While remaining in you, you remain in me. With your presence within me, for me, and through me, I can step out in faith to proclaim my faith to others. Open my eyes to opportunities to provide your message of Truth for those who are open to hearing the Truth. It is during these times that people are desperately hurting. Lord, strengthen me to be one of those few workers who are willing to be inconvenienced in life to proclaim this Truth to others. In your name we pray, Amen.

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